NEAMI and East Melbourne Primary Health Network
What was the project about?
The project consisted in preparing and facilitating a one–off focus group with culturally and linguistically diverse background members of the East Melbourne Primary Health Network - PIR CaLD Reference Group. The topics of discussion were around their view about eligibility and access for the upcoming National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in the East Melbourne region.
Who did we partner with?
NEAMI and the East Melbourne Primary Health Network (EMPHN)
How did we go about it?
We developed a series of scenarios about access and eligibility to disability services and discussed these with the group during the session. We facilitated the discussion using interpreters; analysed the information collected and wrote a report with recommendations.
The consultation was complemented by further consultations undertaken by NEAMI and the East Melbourne Primary Health Network (EMPHN) with other consumers from CaLD backgrounds. Our recommendations were accepted.
What was achieved?
Gathered information about participants views of the eligibility and access issue with regards to the NDIS scheme in their region. This information was used by the Northern Melbourne Partners in Recovery Program on the delivery of information regarding the National Disability Insurance Scheme rollout and transition for consumers and carers from CaLD backgrounds.
When did we do the project?
We undertook the project between September and November 2016.
For more information
Please contact Tere Dawson on (03) 8676 9057 or via email at
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