Training & development

We have expertise in developing and delivering consumer participation education and training programs for consumers, health services and health professionals.

Our team has specialist knowledge and practice experience.

We provide relevant and engaging training and development programs for government departments, health services, community groups and universities. 

Accredited courses

We offer accredited courses in consumer leadership and consumer engagement. 

The Course in Consumer Leadership (10163NAT) provides consumers with the foundation skills to engage and promote consumer engagement in health services.

The Graduate Certificate in Consumer and Community Engagement (10164NAT) is for experienced consumer leaders and health service staff. It builds skills and knowledge to develop and implement strategic consumer engagement in health services, government and non-government bodies.

Tailored training

We provide tailored training for consumers and health staff. 

For health professionals and health service staff

We can provide practical, evidence-based tools and strategies that support the effective engagement of consumers, carers and community members.

Topics could include service planning, research, program development, evaluation, service delivery, governance, quality improvement, policy and reform.

For consumers and carers

Tailored training enables greater participation in community activities, advocacy and campaigns, health services projects or committees or in strategic health policy processes. 

Often the most effective training sessions include both consumers and health services staff.

In the spotlight

Current projects

Here is a list of projects that we are currently working on with consumers and health organisations.

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