HIC staff Tere Dawson

Published 16 November 2015 by Tere Dawson

Consumer engagement in aged care survey

With the introduction of Consumer Directed Care (CDC) there has been an increase in awareness of the importance of consumer choice and control across the aged care system. Building upon these reforms, a new project from Council of the Ageing (COTA) Australia highlights the need for services to engage consumers and their carers in system design, service development and delivery. 

The Consumer Engagement in Aged Care Survey which is phase one of the project aims to do just that, seek consumer and carer experience of the following:

  • Information Dissemination - How people view the current sources of information and the method in which the information is provided.
  • Access and availability of supports - Are people getting the right type of service, at the right time, in a location of their choosing. 
  • Decision making and control – The extent that people have control and choice to make decisions about the support and care they are receiving.
  • Engagement – The extent to which consumers and their carers are being or want to be engaged in service and system design.

Survey information

The survey will run from 30 October to 10 December 2015. 

COTA Australia respects the privacy and confidentiality of people participating in this survey. As such, all personal information will be kept confidential and private. All information gathered from the survey will be de-identified. 

Please note that COTA Australia will use the information gathered from the survey for the purposes of the Consumer Engagement in Aged Care project. As such, the de-identified information might be used in the project report, presentations at conferences and training material. 

The survey should take between 15 - 20 minutes.

To compelte the survey, click here: CEAC Survey 

Complete the survey to win An Apple iPad 

To win one of two Apple iPad Air 32GB Wi-Fi (Silver) you need to complete the survey and then press on the link to enter the competition. Once you have clicked on the link you will be taken to a separate webpage and asked to give your name, contact details (including email address) and answer the following question. In 25 words or less ‘why do you want to win an apple iPad?’ 

The winners of the iPads will be notified the week after the survey closes. The names of the winners will be posted on the COTA Australia website. 

For more information

For further information or if you would prefer to recieve a paper version of the survey, please contact David White, Project Manager - Consumer Engagement in Aged Care on dwhite@cota.org.au or call (03) 9909 7917

Published 16 November 2015 by Tere Dawson

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