Published 30 March 2015 by

Life Saving Drugs Programme - consumer consultation

On Thursday, 19 March 2015, Health Issues Centre was invited to attend the Melbourne Life Saving Drugs Programme (LSDP) consumer consultation.

The LSDP is an important Australian Government program which provides subsidised access to expensive life-saving drugs that treat very rare life-threatening conditions. The LSDP is administered separately to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS). 

The Australian Government is currently reviewing the LSDP. The review aims to:

  • ensure that Australians who have very rare conditions continue to have subsidised access to much-needed, expensive medicines;
  • examine important issues such as access and equity, value for money and the future administration of the program;
  • compare how the LSDP and PBS work, including how the two programs subsidise the cost of medicines and address equity issues.

It is important to know that this review is not about removing this valuable program but to ensure it meets its objectives and is inclusive in its criteria.

Learn more about the review.

How can you have your say?

The Australian Government Department of Health has provided Consumer Health Forum (CHF) with funding to consult with health consumers about the LSDP.
CHF is also seeking consumer perspectives through an online survey. The survey is available until Friday, 10 April 2015. You are invited to complete this survey

Published 30 March 2015 by

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