Health Staff Training
Health Issues Centre offers a range of training in Melbourne’s CBD or at your preferred location.
Health Issues Centre has four distinct types of training available for health service staff throughout the year: Workshops, Accredited Training, and Skills and Tailored Programs.
The workshops, training courses and programs have been designed to benefit health service staff, and encourage participants to involve and learn from their consumers. The experience of our training staff helps health services implement effective consumer participation strategies and patient and family centred approaches. Through understanding consumer perspectives, health service staff contribute to a better health system with improved outcomes and experiences for everyone.
Whether you want to learn how to co-design projects with consumers, or how to work with consumers as partners to address low levels of health literacy, Health Issues Centre has a training program perfect for you – convenient, informative and affordable.
What health service staff training do we offer?
Health and Community Service Workshops
We offer half-day workshops at your health or community service. The workshops have been specifically designed to help health and community services organisations work collaboratively with consumers. These workshops can be held at any time, but are subject to staff availability. The workshops cover everything from key definitions to relevant guiding principles and how you can use your skills and knowledge in real, practical ways.
Learn more about our workshops by clicking the links below:
- Co-Production in Practice
- Health Literacy for Clinical and Non-Clinical Staff
- Patient Centred Care for Clinical and Non-Clinical Staff
- Consumer Participation in Research for Researchers
- Preparing the Health Service for Standard 2: Partnering with Consumers
It is a requirement of several national and Victorian quality and safety standards to partner with consumers. For example, Standard 2: Partnering with consumers in the new edition of the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards (NSQHS) and the Safer Care Victoria Partnering in Healthcare Framework.
It is important then for staff to have the skills and knowledge to engage effectively with consumers.
In 2019 we are offering a range of new skills training for staff including:
- The ‘how to’ of consumer engagement and co-production
- Engaging effectively with consumers in governance
- The second edition of the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards and the role of consumers in their implementation
For more information please click here:
Accredited Training
We currently offer the only accredited training of its kind in Australia. The nationally accredited Course in Consumer Leadership and Graduate Certificate in Consumer and Community Engagement have been specifically developed for the health and community services sector in Australia. It provides health service staff with the knowledge, skills and resources needed to promote engagement between consumers and health service staff. At the end of the three-day or four-day course, participants will receive full accreditation in line with state and national safety and quality standards.
Learn more about our workshops by clicking the links below:
Skills and Tailored Programs
We offer specific skills based programs in addition to our off-the-shelf workshops and accredited training. These programs have been designed in collaboration with health services to identify, respond to and meet the needs of health and community service organisations and consumer representatives.
The skills and tailored programs are delivered over a half or full day or face-to-face training and can be held at your health service. The program sessions utilise adult-learning, interactive approaches to training to highlight best practice in consumer engagement from around the world.
We are able to travel anywhere in Australia and accommodate up to 25 participants for our skills and tailored programs. We can explore all options to ensure that we cater to your requirements.
A list of topics that we cover can be found here.
For more information on the skills programs we currently hold, or to discuss a session tailored specific to your health consumer needs, contact Dr Tere Dawson on (03) 8676 9057 or via email at with any queries.
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