Advanced care planning: consumer resources

What is the project about?

We are leading a 12 month project that seeks to gauge consumer understanding and perceptions of advance care planning.

Advance care planning is a process that enables people to express their health care preferences in case they become ill or injured and are unable to express these wishes. The process supports people, in communication with their families, to reflect upon their condition, their treatment options and likely outcomes, their goals and values.

Resources will be developed to assist consumers to engage in conversations about future health care priorities and decision-making with families and clinicians.


Who is our partner?

Funding for this project has been provided by the Victorian Department of Health. Our key collaborator is Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria, but we will be working with a number of other organisations. 

What do we hope to achieve?

Increased consumer capacity to engage in discussion around advance care planning at home and within health services.

Increased opportunities for supported communication around end of life care preferences to guide family members and clinicians.

What are we going to do?

  • Review existing tools to support advance care planning in Australia and overseas.
  • Review current literature on consumer perceptions and experiences of planning for incapacity and future health care.
  • Identify and review existing activity in relation to community education on advance care planning.
  • Ensure representation from Victoria’s culturally and linguistically diverse community by working in partnership with Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria.
  • Conduct focus groups and individual consultation with consumers to identify strategies to support people to consider making an advance care plan.
  • Outline recommended strategy for increasing community awareness around the value of planning.
  • Design resources to support consumer-centred conversations and informed decision making.

For more information

Contact Danny Vadasz

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