Refugee Women's Health Literacy Project

What is the project about?

Refugee Women's Health Literacy Project is a a three-part project to understand the health information needs of refugee women and how best to provide this information to them.

In this phase of the project (phase two), we plan to develop a tool for health nurses and, asylum seeker and settlement support workers to share health information with refugee communities in Victoria.

Three generations

Who is our partner?

Victorian Refugee Health Network (VRHN) and the Victorian Foundation of Survivors of Torture (Foundations House)

What do we hope to achieve?

We hope that through a 'train-the-trainer' program, that health nurses and asylum seeker and settlement support workers will utilise the health literacy tool in their work with refugee communities across Victoria. In so doing, ensure the sustainability of the project.

What are we going to do?

  • Identify existing programs or tools that are being used to distribute health information to refugee communities in Victoria.
  • Use the information collected and findings from phase one of the project to develop a health literacy tool for refugee women.

The new resource will be developed in collaboration with refugee community leaders and refugee nurses and asylum seeker support workers involved with the Victorian Refugee Health Network.

What have we found so far?

A report of the first and second stages of the project is now available here

Health Issues Centre and the Victorian Refugee Health Network are now seeking funding for the last stage of the project. This will involve developing a pilot program or model of practice for refugee nurses, and refugee and asylum seeker support workers which reflect the recommendations listed in our report.

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Health Issues Centre

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