Join the Advance Care Planning tweet chat

Advance care planning is an important process that is increasingly being taken up by our community. When done well, it can help those with serious illnesses take control of their future health care. However, many people in our community still do not know about advance care planning, which means those who are likely to benefit from the process are missing out.

How can we do better? 

Palliverse and CEO of Pallative Care Australia are hosting a Twitter chat using #PallANZ on advance care planning. 


Thursday, 28 January 2016

What time?

  • 7pm AEDT (Sydney, Melbourne, Hobart, Canberra)
  • 4pm AWST (Perth)
  • 5:30pm ACST (Darwin)
  • 6pm AEST (Brisbane)
  • 6:30pm ACDT (Adelaide)
  • 9pm NZDT (Auckland, Christchurch, Wellington)


  1. Advance care planning (ACP) means different things to different people – What does it mean to you? (T1)
  2. How might advance care planning benefit people with life-limiting illness? (T2)
  3. What are the challenges in providing opportunities for people to engage in advance care planning? (T3)
  4. What can people in the #PallANZ community do to enable high quality advance care planning? (T4)


Anyone and everyone with an interest in these issues, including:

  • Patients, families, carers
  • Clinicians, researchers
  • Managers, administrators, policymakers
  • Other interested members of the community

I've never tweeted before!

You don’t have to be an expert, a Twitter whiz, or even live in Australia or New Zealand to join. In fact, Palliverse strongly encourage those new to Twitter and from beyond our shores to join in and share your views!

Health Issue Centre's Emma Sayers will be participating in the chat so we hope to see you there!

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