National Diabetes Week

Every day, 280 Australians develop diabetes. Building on last year’s campaign, Diabetes Victoria (DV) will run a positive awareness campaign for National Diabetes Week 2016 (10–16 July).

We are here to help you!’ is directed to all people affected by and at risk of developing diabetes. The campaign will raise awareness for all types of diabetes and show solutions how to live well with the chronic condition. Diabetes Victoria's message is uplifting, highlighting how we can all work together to ensure diabetes won’t stop anybody living a long and healthy life.

How can you get involved and support the campaign:

  • Help spread the word by printing and displaying the provided posters in a prominent place (A4 or A3).
  • Share Diabetes Victoria's prepared posts and tiles with your networks through your social media channels.
  • Use the #NDW16 hashtag and link to the campaign website:
  • Consider contacting your local newspaper to raise awareness. Please use the provided media release template in the kit and update it with your details.
  • Share your story about “how you won’t be stopped by diabetes” via Diabetes Victoria's Facebook page.
  • Please like, comment, share and retweet any National Diabetes Week content.

The digital campaign kit is now ready to download from Diabetes Victoria's campaign website.

For more information about National Diabetes Week 2016 contact

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