Practice Partners Program - Call for applications
Health Issues Centre believes in the importance of consumer participation and person centred care. But we know it can be hard to secure executive support (and funding) for great ideas. So, we have a new program which we hope will help build excellence in these.
The Practice Partners Program involves HIC working with you by providing:
- in-kind contributions of HIC staff time and involvement
- direct funding (grant) for the project
- or both of the above
We are accepting applications twice yearly (November and April) to seed new projects that will lead to ongoing improvements in person centred care or system-wide work with consumers.
Project Streams
Projects need to be focused on at least one of the two streams below.
Participation - A participation-focused project will aim to encourage, strengthen and/or support the ongoing involvement of consumers (i.e., patients and families) in health care. This involvement may be either at the individual (patient care) or system level or both.
Person centred care - Projects with a person centred care focus will aim to improve the ability of the organisation to deliver care that supports the key principles of respect & dignity, shared information, participation and collaboration. HIC will favour projects which address these key principles with some specificity, rather than relying on generic understandings of person centred care.
Grants will be up to $8,000, including any in-kind support from HIC. Approximately 5-8 projects will be funded in any year over the two funding cycles. Please note eligibility is strictly limited to publicly funded health services in Victoria.
To Apply
If you think this might be just what you need to kick-start some important work in your organisation, then read the Information Sheet and apply by Wednesday, 2 November 2016.
For more information
Please contact Susan Biggar at (03) 9664 9343 or email
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