Practice Partners Program - Round 1 Recipients
Health Issues Centre believes in the importance of consumer participation and person centred care. But we know it can be hard to secure executive support (and funding) for great ideas. So in October this year, we launched a new initiative Practice Partners Program.
The Practice Partners Program involves HIC working with health-related organisations by providing:
- in-kind contributions of HIC staff time and involvement
- direct funding (grant) for the project
- or both of the above
Key criteria is:
- the involvement of consumers in project design and governance
- new and innovative
- scalable and replicable
- a commitment to sharing the project broadly across the sector
- small, rural and regional services prioritised
- involvement of less-represented groups is encouraged
While this round of applications closed on Wednesday, 2 November, this is an ongoing initiative at HIC and we aim to have a second round of funding in April 2017. So start thinking!
Successful applicants
We are excited to announce four successful applicants in this round of funding. They are:
- Grampians Integrated Cancer Service
- Kyabram District Health Service
- Swan Hill District Health
- Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
Congratulations to these organisations. For more information about each project, please read here.
Related resources
A platform for listening: maximising social media
Listening to the Consumer Voice Forum - Kate Bibby and Marilyn Dolling share Barwon Health's experience of using social media to capture the consumer voice.
Cancer Australia consumer training and mentoring guide
This guide provides some useful ideas and hints about orientating new consumers to their role within Cancer Australia and mentoring or coaching consumers to develop skills and build confidence in particular areas.
Consumer Advisory Conference 2015 Summary Report
Consumer Advisors, Mercy Health and HIC came together in 2015 to share experiences and explore issues that matter to them. This report summarises the day's discussions.
Consumer blueprint for patient centred care
Presented by Stephanie Miller at the Consumers Reforming Health Conference 2011
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