Teach-back: A technique for better communication

A new video has been developed in partnership between Melbourne Primary Care NetworkCentre for Culture, Ethnicity and Health, and St Vincent's Hospital.

It demonstrates the use of the Teach-back method during consultation with a patient.

What is Teach-back?

Teach-back is a best practice communications method for addressing health literacy, and can be used with all patients universally to reduce misunderstanding. it can also assist patients to better engage in their care.

What does it aim to achieve?

It aims to improve health care safety and outcomes by ensuring patients have correctly understood important information about their condition and the things they need to do - such as taking medicines appropriately. 

Teach-back: a technique for clear communication

To find out more about this video, please visit MPCN's website. And please share this video with colleagues, friends and family members!

Who to contact for more information?

You can call Michelle Ferrari on (03) 9347 1188 or email michelle.ferrari@mpcn.org.au for more information on Teach-back and general health literacy. 

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