Unspoken (What Will Become of Me?)
As we reach a certain age we typically plan our retirement, appoint someone to handle our affairs and even direct our own funerals down to the choice of music and memorial sites. Yet we also typically shy away from discussing how we will experience our final years because it conjures up discomforting scenarios.
Will we be active and aware or restricted by cognitive and/or physical decline? Will we maintain our independence or need others to do even the simplest tasks for us? Will we die peacefully in our sleep or be tormented by unmanageable pain? And when we finally pass away will we be at home surrounded by loved ones or confined to a hospital bed among strangers?
It’s no wonder that we defer thinking about what will become of us until we are faced with diminished choices.
Yet helplessness is by no means inevitable and it is possible to maintain control of your own life even when you are no longer able to express what you want. Especially if you have a clear sense of what makes your life worth living.
Through performance-installations, Unspoken (What Will Become of Me?) will take participants on a roller coaster of emotions through laughter, pathos and reflection to a place where unspoken anxieties can become comfortable conversations.
It's an event for all those who care about ageing as well as those who care about the aged. An event for the whole family.
All guests will receive a complimentary hot beverage at the end of their tour in the cafe set up in the venue.
Please note each event tour runs for approximately 1 hour in length. We take a maximum number for each session, therefore online registration is strongly recommended.
Who can I contact with any questions?
If you have any questions, please give us a call on (03) 9664 9317 or email z.dragwidge@healthissuescentre.org.au.
Related resources
Victoria’s advance care planning policy
In March 2014, the Victorian Department of Health launched advance care planning: have the conversation - a strategy for Victorian health services 2014-2018.
Better Health Channel guide to advance care planning
Resources to help you have the conversation and write down your wishes for future care.
Advance care planning Australia
Information on advance care planning for consumers, loved ones and health professionals.
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