Published 02 July 2015 by

Webinar: Parenting in the face of chronic illness

As rates of chronic childhood conditions are on the rise, the impact on the child and their families can be challenging. 

Arthritis and Osteoporosis Victoria is conducting a webinar presentation which outlines the links betwen chronic childhood illnesses, child emotional and behavioural problms, and difficulties with adhere to illness management. The need and rationale for focusing on parenting in the context of childhood illness, along with existing evidence for parenting interventions will be explored. 

The presentation will finish with some recommendations and guidelines to help parents of chronically ill children. 

To learn more about the presenter and to register, please visit their website.

For more information about other education sessions including "Arthritis and Feet" , "Gout" and "Treating pain", please visit Arthritis & Osteoporosis Victoria's Education and Events page

Published 02 July 2015 by

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