Consumer engagement in HACC services

What was the project about?

This project was part of of a five-year project between Health Issues Centre and Tasmanian Council of Social Services funded by the Commonwealth and state departments. In this year, the project focused on developing capacity and providing nationally accredited training to managers and staff of Home and Community Care (HACC) services across Tasmania.

Person centred care

Who did we partner with?

Tasmanian Council of Social Services (TasCOSS)

How did we go about it?

We visited 15 HACC services across Tasmania. Staff members, managers and board members participated in our accredited and custom trainings programs in Hobart and Launceston.

What was achieved?

More than 30 HACC agencies were provided with face to face support and capacity development. Over 50 managers attended one day training sessions while 38 staff members completed the Graduate Certificate in Consumer Engagement (22092VIC).

A report of the project was developed by TasCOSS. It includes quotes, stories and video clips of consumers and staff sharing their experiences of consumer engagement projects currently underway in Tasmania’s aged care services.

‘The promotion of and being able to demonstrate sound consumer strategies and practice has perhaps become even more relevant considering the recent Aged Care Reforms, the introduction of Consumer-Directed Care and the NDIS.’

When did we do the project?

February 2013 –  June 2014

For more information

Contact Tere Dawson

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