Empowering participation year 1

What was the project about?

We received a Health Conditions Support Grant from the Victorian Department of Health to empower chronic disease peer support group members to be more actively involved in their own health decisions.

We also worked to build the capacity of peer support group leaders and staff of health organisations to partner with each other to improve services for people with chronic conditions.

Happy group

Who did we partner with?

Chronic disease peer support groups and, staff of health services and chronic disease organisations.

How did we go about it?

We delivered our nationally accredited training programs as part of this project. We had 28 peer support group facilitators and members participate in the three-day Course in Consumer Leadership (22095VIC).

The Graduate Certificate in Consumer Engagement (22092VIC) had 22 staff members from health service and condition-specific organisations come along.

Three months post training, we asked peer support group members and staff to give us feedback. We particularly wanted to know whether they were more confident in their role and how they have applied what they learnt.

Training group 1
Consumers who attended the February Course in Consumer Leadership

What was achieved?

Some of the key outcomes:

  • peer support group members have a better understanding of how the health care system works and the importance of being actively involved in their own health care decisions
  • peer support facilitators developed new leadership and advocacy skills that are valuable when working with their peers and health organisations
  • staff of health services were more aware of the value of peer support and the opportunities to work with support groups to improve chronic disease care
  • staff of condition-specific organisations felt more equipped to work with support groups to promote the benefits and use of peer support 

We are really excited to have received a second round of funding for this project. It will allow us to reach a broader audience and deliver more innovative modes of training.

Training group 2
Staff from health services and condition-specific organisations at their Graduate Certificate in Consumer Engagement course

When did we do the project?

August 2013 – June 2014

For more information

Contact Esther Lim

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