Transvaginal Mesh Implants

Do you or someone you know have a mesh implant? You can help us understand the extent and impact of mesh implants across Australia

Health Issues Centre thanks all the women who have shared their stories. We have used some of this information in our submission to the Senate Inquiry.

You can view our submission here.

Transvaginal mesh is used as an implant to resolve pelvic organ prolapse and stress urinary incontinence in women. The product design and implantation techniques appear to be responsible for serious, life-altering complications in some women. It is estimated that there may be as many as 100,000 women with the implant. And of these, the proportion of women suffering complications has been variously estimated to be anywhere between 1% and 30%. 

Health Issues Centre has created a Facebook page to connect women affected by mesh. Our information sheet will help women get the answers and support they they need.

There is no register to systematically capture the number of procedures that have taken place in Australia. Mesh implants have been used since the late 1990s. The procedure is considered to be only partially reversible. Australia's Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) approved use of the mesh, however, more recently it is reviewing the classification of these products. Women are encouraged to report complications via the TGA website. But note, the serial number of the mesh implanted is required to do so. This can only be obtained through access to medical records.

On 15 February 2017, a senate inquiry was launched into the number of women in Australia with transvaginal mesh implants and related matters. A report and recommendations from the Committee is expected in November 2017. 

Health Issues Centre encourages and supports mesh affected women.

What have we found?

Since April, Health Issues Centre has had over 2410 women complete an anonymous survey, sharing their experience of pelvic mesh.

A full update can be found here.

Our Senate Inquiry Submission

Our submission to the Senate Inquiry has been read and accepted by the Committee. The submission is now public and can be read by clicking this link. CEO of HIC, Danny Vadasz was invited speak to the senate committee at the Melbourne public hearing on Thursday 3 August, 2017.


Our Public Health Guardians Have Been Asleep at the Wheel as Vaginal Mesh Tragedy Unfolds

The Age - Pelvic mesh victims blamed by 'asleep at wheel' health system, inquiry to hear

ABC News - How a vaginal mesh implant destroyed a woman's life

Women urged to speak up on painful transvaginal mesh implant side effects

Radio National Life Matters story

For more information

If you would like more information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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