Regional training workshops in 2016
Health Issues Centre will be delivering a series of regional training workshops for both health service staff and consumers between February and June 2016. Planning for these is underway and the program, date and venue for each region will be available in early December.
To join our contact list and receive direct updates about the workshops, please register your interest with Souzi Markos via email.
What to expect?
Consumer Workshop – Telling your story for quality improvement
Every person is a story—and has a story to tell. For many of us, our experience of healthcare has become an integral part of our story. If you would like to use pieces of your story (as a patient or carer) to improve the experience of healthcare for everyone, then don’t miss this workshop.
Together we will explore the principles to apply to improvement (e.g., communication, participation, transparency). We will help you choose your story – right story for the right principle and the right audience. Lastly we will pull the stories together and create a resource of writing or visual stories.
Health care staff Workshop – Partnering with consumers : the real deal
This full day workshop will focus on the practical aspects of partnering with consumes in the healthcare setting. Participants will learn from real life examples and take part in group activities to assist with the development of the tools, systems and personal skills needed to lead partnering activities.
We will look at partnership at an individual level of care, at a program level and at an organisational (governance) level.
The workshop is suitable for Quality Managers, Community Engagement Officers and associated roles.
Don't forget to register your interest with us!
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